(910) 579-9348

Saturday WOD 8:30am ~ 7am SPIN is FULL

Team of 3 (1 person working, 1 person resting, 1 person performing “active rest” movement). “Share the Load”

13 Min AMRAP:

Farmers Cary/Sled Drag

Rest 2 Minutes

13 Min AMRAP:

20 Med Ball Cleans/40 Russian Twists/20 Calories on the Bike

Rest 2 Min

13 Min AMRAP:

20 Alternating DB/KB Snatches/20 Goblet Squats/20 DB or KB Deadlifts



Team of 3 (1 person working, 1 person resting, 1 person performing “active rest” movement). “Share the Load”

13 Min AMRAP:

Farmers Cary/Sled Drag

Rest 2 Minutes

13 Min AMRAP:

20 Med Ball Cleans/40 Russian Twists/20 Calories on the Bike

Rest 2 Min

13 Min AMRAP:

20 Alternating DB/KB Snatches/20 Goblet Squats/20 DB or KB Deadlifts

Team of 3 (1 person working, 1 person resting, 1 person performing “active rest” movement). “Share the Load”

13 Min AMRAP:

Farmers Cary/Sled Drag

Rest 2 Minutes

13 Min AMRAP:

20 Med Ball Cleans/40 Russian Twists/20 Calories on the Bike

Rest 2 Min

13 Min AMRAP:

20 Alternating DB/KB Snatches/20 Goblet Squats/20 DB or KB Deadlifts