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With the CrossFit Open 1 day away, you can pretty much guarantee you’re gonna have the pre-wod jitters. You know that feeling you get right before an intense CrossFit workout? Your pulse is racing. Your hands are sweating. You’re jumping up & down in nervous anticipation. You have to pee. You have to poop. You have to pee . . . Again.  

Sound familiar? 

There’s nothing you can do about the jitters. It’s your body’s natural response to stress. It’s “fight or flight“. What you can control is whether or not your stomach is full of undigested food, sloshing around, slowing you down, leading you to reach for the garbage can mid-burpee.  

There is a right way and a wrong way to FUEL (eat) before workouts. As we know, not all workouts, particularly in the CrossFit setting, are created equal. Therefore, I will be post my recommendations for PRE-Open workout fueling for each of the 5 open workouts as they are announced each week.  

Check back here, on the CrossFitOIB.com blog on Friday evenings at 6pm for your pre-open workout fueling guide. And be ready to THROWDOWN on Saturday morning . . . Not throw-up.

Coach K

Nutrition Coach || Mediocre CrossFitter || The Boss