(910) 579-9348

Glenn, Eddy and Mayor Larry / Wodfather Club

Wednesday Schedule: 6am WOD, 9am WOD, 8am Bootcamp WOD, 530pm Wodfathers WOD, 630pm Bootcamp WOD

“For Time:
75/50 Calorie Row
200 Single Unders
2k Row
200 Single Unders
75/50 Calorie Row”

“For Time:
75/50 Calorie Bike
200 Single Unders
2k Row
200 Single Unders
75/50 Calorie Bike”

“For Time:
75/50 Calorie Bike
100 Double Unders
2k Row
100 Double Unders
75/50 Calorie Bike”

Teams of 2: Wodfathers Birthday WOD also Bootcamp WOD for Wednesday.

58 Calorie Row/58 Burpees/58 Air Squats/58 Double Unders or 158 Singles/58 Sit Ups

58 Calorie Row/58 Push Ups/58 Wallballs/58 Double Unders or 158 Singles/58 Sit Ups

58 Calorie Row/58 Burpees/58 Air Squats/58 Double Unders or 158 Singles/58 Sit Ups

58 Calorie Row/58 Push Ups/58 Wallballs/58 Double Unders or 158 Singles/58 Sit Ups